Thursday, September 8, 2022

Surveyor Vision


    In Zechariah's third vision there was a man with a measuring line.  He naturally asked the man what he was doing.  The man was measuring Jerusalem.  It would be enlarged.  It was a divine commissioning for this surveyor.  
    God's angel that had been with Zechariah through the first two visions left him to be replaced by another angel.  This angel told Zechariah that Jerusalem would have no walls, great men, or livestock.  The walls would be the fire of God's glory when God came to live in the city.  The people needed to flee for their lives as the city was plundered and gutted.  It would be cleansed to be worthy of God's glory.
    God wants us to be still before Him.  The righteous get to stay.  They get to enjoy His presence.  Once God does return, He will live there forever.  He has the deepest feelings for His family, His people.  He wants to give us blessings.

Zechariah 2

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