Friday, February 17, 2023

Self- Examination


    Life can get confusing.  It definitely gets complicated at times.  If you want to keep it simple, then you need to know who you are in relation to Jesus.  He will never steer you wrong.  He is always there to make sense of things and guide you through cleaning up your messes.  
    You just need to voluntarily submit to His authority as the head of every aspect of your life.  Do this with a pure heart and He will clear up your conscience from all past mistakes and make life more simple.  It also requires removing all pagan practices from your life.  It may sound like sacrifice, but it is a cleansing process that simplifies your life so you can live joyfully and at peace.  Intentional or not, pagan practices dishonor God and is considered a sin.
    It starts with learning about who Jesus is.  The way he lived his life as a human teaches us so much on how to live a life where we don't get lost in drama, events, other people, or something else.  He taught us how to take a honest look at who we are and how we live our lives.  At the same time, he teaches us not to make everything about us.  We need to take the time to build each other up.  
    Next is recognizing that God is the head of the family, church, and society.  He created man in His image, so man is considered the glory of God.  He is the head of the family under God's direction.  Women were created from man, so they are to submit to God and the husband or father.  Woman do this out of respect and love for God, not because they are inferior to men.  We all have to judge ourselves on how we submit.
    Directives have no praise.  There is no room for them in the community of Jesus followers.  They do more harm than good.  If you don't fit into a box, then you are excluded.  That is not what Jesus was about.  He gives us the freedom to be who we are, but he also changes our heart to be more like him.  God made us all different, so life could have variety.  Trying to destroy that is problematic at best and very destructive at worst.  
    We Christians come together we need to take care of each other.  There is no reason to be in competition against one another.  There is no time or space for division or cliques.  Do not bring preconceived judgment into God's space.  It there is judgment, then make sure that it is church discipline and not dislike, prejudge, or bias.  
    Don't let anyone go hungry or thirsty while you have your fill.  Don't let anyone go without anything that they need if you can share.  In all things that you do, do it to honor God.  Be generous in remembrance of Jesus.
    It you judge other people without cause, then you are bring judgment upon yourself.  It displays a weak character, sick nature, and it brings death to relationships.  We need to examine our own lives and hearts to make sure that they are aligned with God before we bring judgment upon other people.  Be self-disciplined do that no one else has a reason to judge you.  Listen to the Holy Spirit for direction.  He will never lead you astray.

1Corinthians 11

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