Sunday, April 9, 2023

Taking Care of the Community


    As Christians we should take it upon ourselves to take care of the community.  There should be no one overlooked or dishonored.  We are all God's Creations.  As His heirs, we need to try to show other people the love of God, so that they will want to be an heir too.
    Exhort other people with purity of heart, mind, and soul.  Do good without expecting or wanting anything in return.  Do good for the sake of doing good and to honor God.  Honor the elders in the church for their wisdom and service.  If they need correcting, then do it in an honorable manner that will not embarrass or insult them.  
    Support the widows and people in genuine need.  It starts with the family, but then moves out into the community.  If she is taken care of, then she can devote herself to prayer instead of survival.  Survival mode is the death of spiritual growth.
    Go out everyday with your eyes open.  The world is hurting.  It doesn't help anyone, including yourself, to not look at the world as it is.  See it, acknowledge it, and then pray over it.  God has the power to change it and He will in His timing.  You just need to know that for things to get better, they usually get much worst first.  
    Take care of your family or you are displaying a denial of faith.  Those that do get charity in the community need to be known for their good reputation and not just takers or workers of the system.  The people supporting them need to know that they are doing all that they can to help the situation and do not just expect the church to take care of them forever.  
    To deny your faith is the worst thing you could ever do.  It makes you worse than an unbeliever.  That is why you should devote yourself to good deeds.  The more you work for God, the easier it is to proclaim Him.  
    If someone is a gossip or a busybody, then they have too much time on their hands.  They need to be put to work.  Younger women need homes to manage for themselves.  The women with children need to focus on their children's well-being and development into responsible Godly adults.  If the church allows these women to be a burden, then we are allowing them to follow Satan.  We need to focus on those with genuine needs.
    Work hard for your wages.  Do not take advantage of your employer.  Live your life with integrity.  That way people have no grounds to spread lies about you.  If they do, then they will look foolish and it will not hold up.  
    Help each other in the church.  Sinners must be rebuked because God can not be in the presence of sin.  If we ignore sin in the church then we are denying our faith.  Church discipline is to give them a public warning, but then hold firm if they ignore the warning.  Excommunication is harsh, but it is better than allowing sin to flourish in the church and become acceptable.  This is why leadership in the church needs to be a serious matter.  The church needs to pray over who would be the best leaders that live out holy integrity.  They need to display wisdom and patience.
    The church should never display favoritism.  We should treat each other with the honor and respect as children of God.  We should keep ourselves personally responsible for our purity.  This is how we honor God within the community.  This is how we best take care of our community.  Never be afraid to do what is right and call out what is wrong.  People may not know what they are doing is wrong.

1 Timothy 5

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