Monday, May 22, 2023

Effective Prayer Part 2


    To love God is to love Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  It is not a pick and choose.  They are all one with different roles.  It all comes down to faith.  Faith overcomes the world because of the love of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit testifies the truth of faith.  It is known that you belong to Jesus by living in obedience to God's commandments.  If you love God, then you can't live separate from His commandments.
    God's commandments are based in love.  Love is not a burden.  It frees you to conquer the evil in the world.  It frees you from burden even if it may call for sacrifice.  The sacrifice is not heavy because it comes from love and is shared with other believers.  Faith guarantees victory.
    Through Jesus, love and faith combine.  The Holy Spirit is the water and Jesus is the blood.  Together they are in agreement (harmony) with God's testimony which was given by Jesus.
    When you believe this, then you can start praying. Righteous prayer has the ear of God.  Effective prayer requires love and faith.  God gave us life, but Jesus gave us a better way to live life.  When you understand this, then you can ask anything in prayer because it will be in accordance to God's will.  
    Sin is what leads to death, not love or prayer.  Prayer gives you life.  Any wrongdoing is sin.  A Christian cannot live a life of known sin.  It goes against your testimony and it will destroy your prayer life.  The world may be under the control of Satan, but you can remove idols from your life.  You do not have to be controlled by sin.
    Trust God to keep you safe.  We all die one day, but our soul is eternal.  He will not let that be destroyed.  If you live a life of love and faith with Him, then your soul is safe and secure for eternity.  An effective prayer life will help you feel secure in the truth of God.

1 John 5 

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