There is a lot of advice in the world. You have to have wisdom to know in who's advice to listen and follow. However, you can never go wrong if you take advice that you find in the Bible. The advice that comes from God is simple: do this and this will happen or this will happen if you do not obey. To ignore good advice can be catastrophic.
Outside the basic boundaries set in life, advice can get a little complicated. Everyone is different. What works for me may not work for you. What works for you may not work for other people. Some people are extroverts and some introverts. Some like the city and some like the country. When you give advice you need to know in whom you are giving the advice. It is not something to just throw out there.
It is good to learn other languages even if you do not ever leave your home city. Learning languages helps develop and change your brain function. It gives you a skill that not everyone has. It broadens your horizons and help develop a well rounded perspective of the world. Learning new languages will help you in life in more ways than the obvious.
Be proud of who you are as a creation of God. There may be things that you want to change, but do so prayerfully. God made your body, mind, spirit, and essence all your own. It has a purpose. It has beauty. If you can embrace that, then you can embrace the love and care that God wants to give you. If you fight it, then you will never find true peace.
Be proud to be a child of God. but at the same time face your faults. Acknowledge them to God. Acknowledge what you would like to change. Prayerfully go over things and surrender them over to God. He will help you in ways that you will not see until after you get through the aspects of life that tether you to your faults.
Look for the ways God is working in your life. Look for Him in the things and people around your life. Jesus is speaking to you. The Holy Spirit is leading you. You just have to listen and keep your eyes alert. Follow them where ever they may lead. Don't question, don't hesitate, don't make excuses. Just follow because where ever it leads is for your best interest and the best interest of those that you influence along the way.
We all go through things in life. There is no way of avoiding it. You can be perfect and you will still face times of hardship, disappointment, and hurt. Allow other people to help you in your journey. You will only burn out if you try to do everything on your own. Always turn to God because He is there. He wants to help. He wants to comfort. He wants things to be better.
2 Chronicles 10:13. Psalm 1, & Acts 22
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