To know Abba is to face who you are and accept the parts that you do not like. You have to see yourself as a real person that was created for one thing, but lives in a world that tells you something else. You have to face your sinful nature and then accept that you could be more. Then you face God with a repentant and open heart.
God should be your first love. He comes before your spouse, children, childlike pets, work, and even your own desires. If your priorities step out of line, then you will have a big problem in your life. It may take a minute (or years) to realize it. The truth is if you start to walk away from God, then you lose more and more of what give you value in life.
We all have to examine our hearts. Do we love Abba like the father that He is? Do we worship Him in the manner in which He deserves? Examine you method, purpose, and conviction. If you don't have conviction to do what is right, then you may have a big problem.
God sent His son as an investment into us. Jesus followed his Father's instructions because he knew that it was the best way. It had to happen. While Jesus was on Earth he taught us how to be Christians. When you face God, your works and services are not going to be overlooked, but neither will the motives. Invest back into God to have that close relationship. That is the only way your motives will align with God's purpose.
God instructs us to love one another as we love ourselves (pure heart). That means that we need to serve one another without resentment or complaining. This involves people, which means it is not always easy. We have to endure one another in love to honor God.
How do you know that you have started to walk away from God? Start with checking in on how passionate you are about God. This relationship is under constant attack. You could be putting a distance between you and God and not even know it. You may think I just need a break, but the real rest comes through Him. Look after your soul and the body will find rest.
Do not let other people's opinions affect your relationship with God. The people may have great impact, influence, or even share your life, but when it comes to your salvation that is just between you and God. They will not be facing Him on Judgment Day on your behalf and if they did, they would probably throw you under the bus to save themselves.
Work on forgiveness. If you allow your heart to forgive, even the unforgiveable, then you will learn about real love. God forgave you when you were unforgivable, so we need to try to forgive too. You life if a sequence of choices you made. Do not give your choices over to someone else because that is a choice that will hurt you. Face the hard parts and learn how to allow them to mold you into a person that leans on Abba. Christianity is not an easy path, but it is the most rewarding and blessed path.
Jeremiah 9:6, Luke 7:36-50, John 3:19-20, Romans 3:10-12, & Revelations 2
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