When you find yourself drifting away from God, what do you do? What hinders you from returning to God right away? If you have walked with God for a while you know that life is just better with Him close, but you still find yourself pulling away. Why?
Pride is the root that Satan planted in all humanity. It is where all sin springs forth. It is what becomes our personal stumbling block. Pride feeds your mind that you are good enough without God. It allows you to tell yourself that you can do anything and that you don't need God's help. It is a lie that deceives the heart. This is the only illness that effects every living person, so we all have at least one thing in common.
Another thing that will keep us away from God is unbelief. This is a strong root that can be hard to remove, but it can be removed. Unbelief questions sin's poison to the point where you may even question God's existence. It takes away the peace and joy that comes from faith because holiness is forgotten. It allows disobedience to become part of your life which weakens your faith every time you indulge.
Selfishness is another reason why we may reject God. We want to do things our way no matter who it may hurt. His way feels like it takes too long. There is so much waiting before anything happens and when it does, it all happens so quickly that it can be like a dream.
To rethink your thoughts and opinions about God means you have to address your personal sin and give it over to God. Al the forefathers of Christianity sinned and paid the price. Moses hit the rock which produced water, but took the glory from God. He displayed unfaithful behavior. That closed the door to the promised land to him. Saul allowed his pride to mislead the people he was supposed to shepherd to God. He lost his dynasty.
We can act foolishly by blaming others for out problems. Sometimes things just happen. It can be a series of things. However, sometimes God is making things happen to get your attention. You have to look within your heart and mind prayerfully to have the discernment on how to proceed. Sometimes you even have to go backward to retrace your steps to be able to move forward strong in faith and forgiveness.
Sin unchecked in your life will lead to a lifestyle of sin. You may not lose your salvation, but you will lose your rewards. You will lose favor with God. You will lose Him listening to your prayers until you are ready to repent. Sin needs to be killed at the root or it will always have power over you. Life is a long journey. You might as well make it easier on yourself and remove the things that weigh you down. Don't allow sin to carry you away from God.
Numbers 20:8-12, 1 Samuel 9-15, & James 1:14
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