Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Abdominal Issues


    For those that think that you can't find your issue in the Bible, I am here to prove you wrong.  Today was are going to talk about abdominal issues.  How we live our life and the choices that we make can be tied directly to our immune system and how our body holds up.  Some people have predisposed issues.  That just means that they have to watch things more closely.
    History is important.  It teaches us more than facts.  It gives us examples so that we can know how to take care of or do certain things.  Sometimes it is a jumping point on where to start to improve or grow, so that you do not have to start from scratch.
    Predisposed issues have been around since sin entered the world.  We can learn how to best take care of ourselves.  Sometimes we can even figure out how to heal ourselves.  How we handle stress and the hard times in life matter.  Our health and history has the ability to reveal aspects of our character.
    The people that trust God no matter what and live in faith will be able to eat to their hearts content and be okay as long as it stays in accordance to the food that God had created for our health.  If we eat junk food all the time, then we can't be surprised when we get over weight.  The people that live in sin and push God away will have a belly of the wicked which always feels hungry.  The wicked are never satisfied.
    Stomach pain is no joke.  When it aches it affects your whole body.  When it burns it feels like you are dying.  Sharp pains feel like knives traveling through our abdomen.  It causes anguish similar to a woman giving birth.  It can cause you to go faint and be bed or bathroom ridden.  It is scary because it feels like it will never end.  If you could avoid that, then why would you not?
    Jesus even tried to get people to understand.  Anything you put in your mouth to consume goes through your stomach to pass through you.  However the words you speak can give life or defile you in a very different way.  It all affects your stomach, but your words affects other people's spirits too.  
    Evil produces evil and holiness produces holiness.  Do not defile yourself and stay healthy.  Food was created for our enjoyment, sustain us, and health.  However, it is only while you are alive.  What you put in body will directly affect the quality of this one single life that you get.  Your body was made for God.  It is your responsibility to take the best care of it that you can.  If you try, then He will bless you.  If you do not, then you bring your issues on yourself.
Proverbs 13:25, Isaiah 21:3, Matthew 15: 17-19, & 1 Corinthians 6:13

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