Monday, July 3, 2023


    God's Words were written on scrolls.  It was not in book form.  It was not easy to access for everyone like it is today.  It is now in most languages and available to almost anyone who wants a Bible.  His Word is full of promises, predictions, and warnings.
    God allows the power of His Word to work within us, but it does not force us to do anything.  Your life is still your life.  Your choices are your choices.  That means whatever the consequences are, they are yours too.  
    God is always there and ready to forgive and truly forget.  All we have to do is repent with an honest and transparent heart.  Repentance is more than words.  It requires conviction and action to back it up.  He wants a true relationship with us.  That means it is not all about us.  It requires prayer, meditation on God's Word, petition, and worship on our part.  He gives us life and blessings.
    No matter what your choices are, God's Word will spread.  There will be true believers and followers.  It is good to have a little holy fear, but we should not live in terror.  At times standing firm in your faith can be scary.  It may put your life in danger, but losing your life for God is better than losing your soul to selfish desire.  
    Abdeel was the father of one of the men (Shelemiah)who ordered the arrest of Baruch and Jeremiah.  He is mentioned because family and lineage was as vital as the last name is today.  It told the world who Shelemiah was and his position in life.  Abdeel is only mentioned once in verse 26, but his name is recorded forever thanks to Baruch.  They planned evil and God turned it around to use for good and put the responsibility throughout history on the names that are written.
    Jeremiah's scribe, Baruch, recorded everything so that even today we have a record of truth.  God hid them, so the kind did not get his hands on the prophet or his scribe.  Instead the king took it out on the written context.  The king may have burned God's Word where he could find it, but he would never get his hands on all of the scrolls.  We may have lost some history, but God will never allow the truth to disappear.

Jeremiah 36: 21-32

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