Sunday, July 2, 2023

To Abandon


    There are consequences for abandoning God.  If we reject Him and abandon Him, then He will reject and abandon up when we want eternal peace.  It is your choice how you live.  Every choice you make has consequences.
    God abandoned Damascus to the point that it became a heap of ruins.  A strong thriving city turned to nothing because God wanted everyone to see and hear the consequences of choices.  It had been fortified.  The people were strong, but God is stronger.   They had to abandon their lives as they knew it.  
    The people turned to God only when their entire world fell apart.  When their home was literally destroyed is when they realized that they needed God.  They had forgotten all about God until they needed him.  The consequences of forgetting about God is pain. He will leave us to our rage and anger.
    God does not give up on people. People give up on God.  He can only allow us to go astray so far before correcting us.  He is fighting for every person.  However if you reject His corrections and keep pushing Him away, then you declare war on God.  He will respond by showing you what war is really like.
    Every person has been unfaithful.  We can't be faithful without God to show us how.  He is not rushing you.  He is giving you time to figure things out.  However if you still chose to abandon God, then you will discover terror.  Real terror is not a little fear.  It is all consuming.  It takes over every aspect of you.  It is the destruction of who you are.  It leads to mourning your life as you knew it.
    The prideful heart thinks that they have everything under control.  God is all to happy to show the prideful that they are not in control nearly as much as they presume.  You cannot challenge God and win.  Even the earth responds to His commands.  
    If you push God to the point that He will abandon you, then embrace what causes you pain.  The pain that He will allow will be acute and personal.  The young and strong will perish for nothing.  Survivors will flee for their lives.  We have been warned.  The question is are you listening?  Will you control your pride or will you allow God to destroy it?

Isaiah 17 & Jeremiah 49

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