Saturday, July 1, 2023

Jesus' Teachings


    The Holy Spirit released Jesus to use his power in the world and in doing so spreading God's Word.  Jesus became very popular because of his abilities, but dealing with the public you know how the moods towards people can change easily and drastically.  That is what happened to Jesus.  
    Jesus worked, he led, he discipled, he taught.  Jesus invested his entire human life in other people to show them how to have a relationship with God.  People are not the easiest to teach new ways and concepts.  He had to spend a lot of time with his apostles and they still didn't understand fully until after he was gone.
    During the time Jesus lived a human life, the average person was illiterate.  They had to rely on the church to teach them the doctrine according to God's will.  That is dangerous allowing other people to have control over your spiritual growth.  I think that is why Jesus was so well received by the average person.  He make them feel seen, heard, understood, and gave them a way to understand where they were.  Ironically, that is still what Jesus is doing through the Word today.
    Jesus was anointed to peach the good news.  He was born for the job, but the baptism anointed him to go out and really change the world.  He helped the poor.  He proclaimed freedom to the oppressed.  He healed every type of wound or illness that existed.  He changed everything aspect of life.
    When Jesus read God's word it ruminate through out the temple.  He would just sit down and allow people to digest it.  There is power in words.  Jesus held his own power.  Can you imagine the impact of having him read God's Word would have on a crowd.  They just sat there and watched him not really understand what just happened with the surge of power that engulfed them all in that one moment.  I imagine that people that believed found healing just through their faith and the power of really hearing Jesus' words.
    The truth is Jesus is not a prophet.  He is a teacher, but not just a teacher.  He is God in human flesh.  He lived a very human life that contained all his Godly abilities.  He would never be accepted in his hometown, but that is to be accepted.  People that watch you grow rarely see all the potential of what you can be.
    Jesus fulfilled his purpose at every location and then moved on to the next place.  He was driven out of places for speaking the truth.  The truth is powerful and that scares a lot of people.  People that hold onto sin in their heart will fight the truth with everything they have.  We cannot concern ourselves with their reaction because Jesus didn't let it bother him.  To be a student of Jesus, is to follow his example the best you can.  Jesus focused on what he was on earth to do and that is what we need to do too.
    Jesus spoke with authority, clarity, and originally.  He gave his time and energy selflessly.  He used every opportunity that was given to him to honor and worship God.  His teaching methods consisted of parables, sermons, rhetorical questioning, answering questions asked, and through example.  He kept it simple so everyone could understand.
    Jesus is still teaching us how to defeat Satan in our personal lives.  He reveals sin as sin.  He teaches us how to work.  He teaches us salvation.  His lessons never get old.  They never tire out.  They do upset people.  To be a follower of Jesus you need to develop a tender heart, but a thick skin.

Luke 4:14-30, John 5:39

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