Wednesday, July 5, 2023



    God's Word came to Elijah in many ways and times.  In this case it came to inform Elijah that his faith and obedience would provide rain for the nation.  That is power.
    The Jewish nation had been in a severe drought and famine because Queen Jezebel killed God's prophets.  The survivors all had to go into hiding.  Elijah is the one that hid all 100 prophets of God.  God will never allow His Word to be silenced for long.
    Elijah felt alone because he was willing to risk everything to walk in faith.  Leaders often feel alone, but if they rely on God then they don't have to.  Even strong faithful leaders can have human moments.  That is okay because as long as it is just a moment and they do not feel that thought process then it does not become something that will hold them back or cause them to sin.  Acknowledge your thoughts that do not come from God, them give them over to him and do not continue down that rabbet hole.
    Elijah gave King Ahab the message from God.  Together with the other prophets they created an abbey.  It is like the priesthood, but goes deeper now.  It is about serving God and providing sanctuary.  An abbey is now a home of monks and nuns.  
    Elijah stood alone against all of Baal's priest.  Baal was the god that reigned over the primary religion of the time.  However, as you can tell, he only lasted a few hundred years.  God is the living God.  He is the only one that will last from the beginning of time to the end.  The rest are just myths or propaganda.  They will not last over time.
    Elijah's stand proved that God is powerful.  It proved that God is the only God.  He won to the point that was embarrassing to the Baal priesthood.  Their choice to follow a name and not a real god cost them their lives.
    Abbey is also mentioned when the descendants of David were recorded.  They made an abbey of sorts, but in the form of the royal line and not priest.

1 Kings 18 & 1 Chronicles 3

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