Thursday, July 6, 2023



    When it comes to acting the saying goes that there are no small roles, just small people.  The saying is true for everyone.  We all play a part in life.  We all leave impact.  You may not be in the spot light, but without your contribution the one in the spot light could not shine.  Jesus is the one that should be in the spot light.  We are his people to give him the glory.
    In the Bible there are a lot of people that are only mentioned once, maybe twice.  Abdiel is one of them.  His name carries on throughout history for a reason.  He is part of Gad's family line.  Not much is ever said about this family line.  It makes me think that they don't do anything notably wrong, but they don't stand out in their faith either.  It makes this family line a little forgettable.
    What we know about Abdiel is that his son, Ahi, was notable.  Abdiel's father was Guni.  Guni was a leader of one of the seven Gad clans.  Abdiel was probably a good honorable son, but did not do anything notable in his life.  That does not mean that he was not important.  Raising a notable child is honorable.

1 Chronicles 5: 13-17

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