Saturday, July 15, 2023



    Abiezer was a name used for three different Biblical Characters.  The name means "father of help".  The first character was a prince of Dan during the exodus mentioned in Numbers 1:12.  We wont be talking about that Abiezer.
    Abiezer of the Manasseh clan was a leader for the part of the clan that crossed the Jordan.  It was his tribe that had an issue with no male heirs for one family.  It was during the time they were enforcing the boundary lines that God created and wanted to make sure everything was super clear.
    Over time, the Israelites returned to evil ways in God's eyes.  The consequences were that God made their lives more difficult.  They became impoverished and treated cruelly.  One of his angels went to Abiezer's people to talk to Gideon.  This makes me think that Abiezer was the last good leader for the Manasseh clan until Gideon.  
    The last Abiezer was a mighty man of David's army.  He was one of 37 body guards that protected King David.  David honored the men that fought loyally for him by keeping their names and memory alive throughout the Jewish and Christian history.
    What can we learn from Abiezer, how to respect boundaries and God.  If we hold proper respect, then we can hold the peace.  We have to work with other people, so why not try to keep the peace.  However, if peace can't be kept, then make sure you are fighting for the right thing.  We all need direction, so trust God to give you your direction.  It is not always easy, but it will lead to a growing faith.

Joshua 17:1-3, Judges 6: 11-12, & 2 Samuel 23:24-39

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