Sunday, July 16, 2023



    Abigail was a special woman found in the Bible.  Her name means "my father's joy".  She was intelligent and had wisdom to navigate a hostile husband, Nabal, to keep her home running smoothly.  She is a woman that may be over looked, but her beauty came from within and shined out with her sensibility.
   One day David and his men wondered onto their land.  Nabal was not polite or hospitable.  He was rude and surly.  In a culture of hospitality, it was insulting behavior.  It doesn't matter if a stranger wondered into your life, you treated them like they were invited guest.  David and his men did not get that treatment.  Instead they were slandered by an arrogant man.
    I think David would have taken the insult if it was just on him, but Nabal insulted his men.  This upset David to the point that he wanted to fight.  Abigail heard about the encounter and acted immediately.  She understood what kind of man she was married to and could just imagine what was said or done.  
    Abigail baked fresh bread and went to seek David and his men out to make peace.  She was a peace maker, which takes a lot more strength than being a peace keeper.  It also requires wisdom.  She had a good head on her shoulders.  She knew how to use judgment.  
    David was impressed by Abigail, so he really listened to her and did as she asked.  The next day, God inflicted his judgment on Nabal.  Nabal had a heart attack or stroke and died 10 days later.  He never knew all that Abigail did to make his life better.  
    David heard about what happened and went to take Abigail as his wife to show her honor.  He admired and respected her wisdom.  David married her because he saw the value she could bring him.  He respected her and wanted to protect her.  It was not based on love, but it was based on respect.  David understood her value.
    We can learn from Abigail to keep our cool and think on how to make situations better instead of reacting.  She did not allow her feelings to control her.  She allowed herself to feel, but controlled the emotion.  There is value in that ability, especially if you focus is on God.

1 Samuel 25 & 1 Chronicles 2

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