Monday, July 17, 2023



    We have the ability to understand the concept of Heaven.  We have the ability to envision it in our mind.  We have the ability to see ourselves there.  More importantly we have the ability to go.  All we have to do is chose to follow Jesus.
    God knows your abilities.  He gave them to you.  He gives you what he knows you can handle.  You may not believe it, but if you open yourself up to His instruction then you may discover that you are doing things you never imagined possible.  The only one closing the door to your ability is you.  
    God made you who you are for a reason.  Believe that and allow your ability to grow in Jesus faithfully.  God is not going to micromanage you.  He is not going to hold your hand and basically do the work for you.  You have to do your part.
    God is kind.  He gave you abilities to make life better.  You will face many troubles in life.  Nothing is going to change that.  However, when you trust God, open your heart to His kind of love, and live out your faith through your abilities, then you will persevere.  You will worship God.  
    Your glorification will bring other people to Him.  You will have joy in your heart no matter what is happening around you.  Free will is a beautiful gift.  Anything is possible with God.

Matthew 25:15 & 2 Corinthians 8:3

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