Tuesday, July 18, 2023



    In the Bible there are two different Abimelech people mentioned.  In Genesis it is Abimelech, King of Gerar.  He lived during Abraham's time.  In judges is it is Abimelech, son of Gideon who became the king of Shechem.  Abimelech means "my father is king".  It was a common name.
    Abraham and Sarah moved to Gerar.  Since Sarah was so beautiful she was noticed.  Abraham feared for his life because men have killed other men for their wives.  Abraham fabricated that Sarah was his sister.  He had no idea how much trouble that would get him into. 
    King Abimelech took notice of Sarah.  He had her brought to his palace thinking she was single.  God did not want him to sin due to a lie, so God went to Abimelech in a dream.  God told the king he was a dead man for marrying a woman already married.  They had not consummated the marriage, so he begged God not to destroy his innocent nation.  He had been deceived, so his hands were clean.  God told Abimelech to return her to Abraham who would pray for the king.  That was the only way the king could live.  If he did not, then his people would die too.  
    When Abimelech woke early the next morning, he was not too happy.  He called for Abraham to confront the prophet.  He gave wealth, land, and money to the couple to try to get back into God's good grace.  They Abraham prayed enabling the king to have children with the wife he already had.  
    Some time later, King Abimelech visited Abraham.  He wanted a vow of honesty and loyalty from Abraham.  Abraham did not hesitate to give that vow, but had a complaint for the king about how his people keep destroying his wells.  Since Abraham never had complained before, the king took it seriously.  The vow went both ways.  They made a treaty deal to remain in good standing and respect with each other at Beersheba.  They lived in peace.
    Abimelech, Gideon's son, went to visit his uncle to get a political foothold with family support.  He had 70 brothers and did not want to share the inherited power with them.  He won their support.  He went back home and killed all his half-brothers, except Jotham whom escaped.  This is how Abimelech became king.  
    Jotham was not going to allow that to just happen.  He called out the people for supporting his brother.  He spoke with conviction that God was on his side in this conflict.  He flat out told them that they acted without honor before he finished his escape.  He went to live in Beer.  
    Abimelech ruled for three years before God sent a spirit to stir up trouble causing a revolt.  It was his punishment for murdering his family.  It led to a day long battle.  He won the battle and killed hundreds.  Then he continued on his rampage.  His anger and greed got him killed.  Had he stopped he may had survived, but attacking Thebez got a millstone dropped on his head crushing his skull.  It did not kill him, so he had his servant run him through, so it could not be said that a woman killed him.  Jotham's curse was fulfilled.
    Names don't promise anything, but they can reveal character.  Abimelech may be a leader's name, but it does not guarantee a good or honorable leader.  The only way to guarantee that is to have a leader that follows God.

Genesis 20, 21:22-32, 26:1-31, & Judges 9

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