Wednesday, July 19, 2023



    Abinadab has a small role, but that role describes his character and what kind of man he was.  His name means "father of a vow or willingness".  When it comes to languages things are not always black and white.  That is why linguist have to be careful not to distort the message or truth.
    The ark that held the 10 commandments we kept in the home of Abinadab until a plan was formed to be carried out.  People were scared of the power that it held, but Abinadab stepped up to be responsible.  
    Abinadab's home was chosen for his location, but also because he was trustworthy.  They needed to know that it would be safe and that the person keeping it would not abuse the privilege of possessing it.  He was the keeper of the ark for 20 years.  
    The Second Abinadab mentioned in the Bible was the second son of Jesse.  He was one of King David's brothers.  Since he was older he held more esteem than David until God put David in the spotlight.  After that all of his brothers kind of disappeared.  Maybe they did not support their brother.  We don't know.  They probably just kept living their life not allowing David's status to change their world too much.
    When King Solomon was the Jewish nation's leader, another Abinadab was on his staff.  This Abinadab was the governor in Naphoth Dor.  He was responsible for the well being of the district.  He made sure that the people had food and provisions.  
    He was married to Taphath who was Solomon's daughter.  This Abinadab was a trustworthy man too.  Solomon trusted him enough to give his daughter to him.  It may have been political, but it doesn't seem like it since Abinadab was not a king or prince.
    What can we learn from all the Abinadabs?   God is with us.  He has always been with us.  He will always fight for us as long as our heart and walk are in step with Him.  They each teach us that we do not have to stand out to hold an important role in God's design.

1 Samuel 7: 1-2, 1 Kings 4: 7-11, & 1 Chronicles 2: 9-13

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