Thursday, July 20, 2023



    Abinoam means "the divine father is pleasantness" or "father of kindness"  Either way you go with it you can get the idea.  Abinoam was a liked and respected man.
    The Israelites were always doing evil in the eyers of God, so like a good father God punished them.  He allowed oppressor in to control them.  They were treated cruelly, but that is what happens when we remove God from society.  Evil consumes and leaves no room for what is good in life.  God allowed this to continue for 20 years.  Then he sent a female judge by the name of Deborah.
    Deborah was a prophetess who worked with Barak to defeat the Canaanites (the oppressors).  Barak was the son of Abinoam.  All the glory that Abinoam gets in life is through his son.  It shows that he raised his son in honor.  He got his honor in life through having a Godly son.  
    Now Barak is not the true victor in all this.  That belongs to Deborah and Jael.  Barak would only go against their enemy if she was with him.  Then Jael did the final blow against the Canaanite leader.  The victory belongs to God who put everything in line and allowed it to happen.  
    The bottom line is if you follow God, then you are not forgotten.  Your name may not go into history books, but it does go in to the Book of Life.  You name has to be in that book to spend eternity in Heaven.

Judges 4 & 5

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