Friday, July 21, 2023



    Abishag is pronounced avishag.  Avishag means "father of error" or "the Father wonders".  It implies that Abishag followed God, but somewhere along the way wondered away.
    When King David was old and had become feeble, his servants found a young virgin woman to lay beside him to keep him warm.  He name was Abishag.  Abishag was a beautiful Shunammite woman.  She never had sexual relations with David, it was literally to help him stay warm.  They probably thought a beautiful woman would get his blood circulating better.  All she did was to look after the king and take care of him.  There was nothing perverse about the situation.
    During this time Adonijah decided he was going to be the next king and caused a lot of drama.  David had to flat out say that Solomon would be king and anointed his son.  David spent the rest of his short life helping and directing Solomon in how to lead a nation.  It is something David did not have for himself.  It was a gift and a blessing.  
    On David's deathbed he guided his son to follow God and observe His requirements to prosper.  David had taught Solomon how to walk with God faithfully.  He told David to show kindness and basically how to firmly establish his majesty where no one would dare to try to take it from him.  David knew first hand how that could harm a nation's stability, let alone his own sons.
    Adonijah decided he should have Abishag when David died.  He wanted to marry her, but the request outraged Solomon.  She was their father's in Solomon's eyes.  Solomon knew this was just a way for Adonijah to try to take the throne, so he confronted it before a real plot could get organized.  In the process Solomon cleared David's house from any guilt of that kind of sin.
    Adonijah was declaring war because he knew that Abishag was with David and Solomon through all of Solomon's training.  He knew that Abishag knew everything and wanted that information for his own use of power.  It was not about love or possession or attraction.  It was always a strategic move to take the power away from Solomon.
    Those that wronged David or even his honorable name were punished.  Adonijah was killed because his intent to marry Abishag was an act of war against Solomon.  In doing this, Solomon reinforced his security as the King.  It earned the respect from the people that he needed to support him.  It also gave Abishag freedom to live out her life how she desired.
    God designed people to love each other in a holy way.  The evil in the world has distorted and perverted that love.  It has even turned it into obsession and hatred for some people.  The more a person pushes God out of their lives the more corrupt they are allowing themselves to become.  We need to follow God and love in a way that will not lead us to sin.  Love in a way that will lead you to do the right thing.  Love in a manner that leads you to prayer.

1 Kings 1 & 2

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