Saturday, July 22, 2023



    Abishalom means "father of peace". If you have not picked up on the characters of the Bible series, Ab and Abi mean father. The second half of the words describe the person. Abishalom is pronounced as a-bish'-a-lom.
When Abijah was king of Judah, Abishalom is introduced. Abishalom was his Abijah's great grandfather. His granddaughter Maacah was Abijah's mother. We don't know a lot about Abishalom, but his name indicates that he did everything it took to keep the peace. Peacekeepers are not always recognized for their great gift or contribution to society, but they are vital. Abishalom was vital for God's plan. Even though it mentions that none of them were fully committed to God.
When Abijah died, Abishalom's great great grandson, Asa, took the throne. Asa did what was right in God's eyes. We can possibly contribute some of that to Abishalom. Maybe Asa learned about commitment through Abishalom. Asa was devoted to God which led to his victory in conquering a lot of Israel who was not devoted to God. Maybe Abishalom is mentioned like this because he was the last faithful one to God until Asa. Some think that Abishalom is Absalom which would explain a lot.
The best way to succeed in life is to follow God's path for you. He is always found on that path. When you take your own path, then you walk further away from God and His protection. Taking your own path leads to the path of evil, even if that was never your intent. It is better to stay spiritually cleansed and see your sin for what it is, so you can repent quickly. This passage is also proof that God keeps His Word.

1 Kings 15

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