Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sound Doctrine


    We all need to nourish our faith, but how do we do that?  The only way to nourish your faith is through sound doctrine.  The Bible was built to instruct, function as a teacher, and it holds power.  It is where opinion does not matter.  God's Word has the final say.
    God's word is meant to be shared, but not altered to make people feel more comfortable.  We need to be on our guard for anyone who would alter God's Word to make it more popular or inclusive.  Jesus met people where they were, but he was a decisive person.  Once you are willing to make the conversion to believe, then it becomes inclusive.  It will never be inclusive until you are saved.
    Jesus invites everyone to come to him.  He is not pushing anyone away, but you have to come to him on his terms and not your own.  His Words are nourishment.  That is why we need to learn them and understand them.  
    Sound doctrine is how you exercise our faith to turn it into Godliness.  It starts with confessing your sins to God and allowing him to turn it into cleanliness through Jesus.  Let go of what you gave to Jesus and never try to retrieve it.  It is gone, so forgive your self and try to forget.  Holding on only hurts you.  Letting go allows you to look forward and grow.  This is how you exercise your faith.
    Christians are transporters of God's Word.  That is why we always need to be available, prepared, and instructed by the Holy Spirit.  If you listen to people over the Holy Spirit, you may grow in a worldview, fables, and superstitions.  
    Sound doctrine is the truth of God's Word is the only thing that will rescue you from that rabbit hole.  It never changes.  It is constant.  It is the strong and steady foundation to the unsteady world you live in.  It provides wisdom and understanding where no other place or person can.  It requires you spending time in prayer and study everyday.   The truth provides wisdom, discipline, and good judgment.  
    Sound doctrine enables you to declare your faith even to the hostile world.  Faith in God allows you to see how God watches over you.  He protects the relationship you have with Him.  Even if you lost your life for your faith, you will not lose your salvation of eternity with Him.  That is why you need to stay focused.  Be prepared for all seasons of life and spirituality.  
    Sound doctrine helps you fight your inner rebellion.  Rebellion is the biggest internal issue when it comes to your faith.  Even declaring you do not believe in God at all is just rebellion.  Use the prophecies in the Bible to give direction on how to handle rebellion in your heart.  It is a responsibility of every Christian to address this issue because the burden of truth does sit on your shoulders.

Proverbs 23:23, Isaiah 30:9, Jeremiah 5:30-31, Acts 20:28, & Romans 1:16.

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