Monday, July 24, 2023

Abyss Part 2


    The abyss is a deep chasm,  It appears bottomless.  It can be scary.  It has been around since the creation of the world. It was created by God before the world itself was finished.  It was the depths that the Holy Spirit hovered over before light was created.  The world began as the abyss on day one.
    There is also an emotional abyss.  It is the when the soul is crying out for God.  He is the only one that can close that abyss.  He reaches out and you just have to accept his hand to close the gap and allow your heart to have all that it truly desires.
    No matter what you think, your soul yearns for God to the point of tears.  Until you understand that, then you will never truly understand your emotions.  Without God we will never discover satisfaction.  Give God you joy and thanksgiving.  Give Him your hope, so that when your soul is downcast, then you will remember He is in the depths with you.  
    The abyss of feelings can make you feel lost when you are not.  Trust God to direct you through your feelings to the root of issues.  Trust Him to direct you to safety.  Don't shut him out or you will lose your steady step.  
    The abyss as an actual location is where everyone who refuses to follow Jesus will end up.  This is when the world has died.  It is no longer a mystery.  It is no longer scary.  It is eternity of your worst nightmare.  It is the place of condemnation.  It is just better to trust in God and follow Jesus now.  Avoid the overwhelming darkness of the abyss.

Genesis 1:1-2, Psalms 42, & Matthew 11: 16-24

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