God is amazing. He developed the natural laws of things to give us boundaries. The point of boundaries is to give us security and help us understand each other. It is a gift, not a restraint even if it may require restraint to uphold boundaries. The natural law also gives God the ability to reveal His power to us.
When Abram was old and his wife well beyond child bearing years, God promised Abram an innumerable amount of children. This is where it could get confusing. God was talking about generations to come and not just in Abram's life time. It started with Abram and Sarai being able to have one son together.
Sometime being able to do something is about the skills that God has given you. Some people are more naturally capable to do certain things more than others. If you feel like you do not have a skill, pray that God reveals your skills to you. You may be a leader, physically strong to work, strategist, a coordinator, a person that makes the boring beautiful. No one is the same. Be grateful for what you have because it is a gift from God that makes you special.
Jesus came to earth to be the final sacrifice. His life enables us to know how to live as a Christian. His death and resurrection gives us the ability to have a relationship with him beyond the physical bounds of life and death. Jesus was a game changer. Titles don't mean anything. It is all about the faithful relationship with God. To be able to follow Christ is a life of hardship and suffering, but it leads to eternal peace.
Growing in your relationship with Jesus gives you the ability to see people for who they are and meet them where they are. After all we learned that from Jesus. There is no reason to argue over differences. Stand firm in your faith and do as the Holy Spirit convicts you and allow Him to work on everyone else. As long as you both follow Jesus, the journey looks does not have to be identical to be true. Be more concerned about how God will judge your life than judging other people's lives. Be more concerned about helping fellow people out, than what they can do for you.
At the end of the day it is what Jesus says that matters. He is the only one that can open the scroll (book of life). He is the ultimate judge over how we lived our lives. He is the only one that ever lived as a person that is worthy. He is the only one able to open the seals.
Genesis 15:5, Exodus 18:25, Matthew 3:9, 20:22, Romans 14:4, & Revelations 5:3
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