Wednesday, August 16, 2023



    Abort means to carry out or or remove a fetus.  Before it became a name for murder it meant leaving a flight, space mission, or enterprise.  It used to be just a word of action.
    Laban's sons blamed Jacob for the hard time that they were going through because Jacob was prospering.  They believed he had cheated them.  God was protecting him, so he sent Jacob home.  It was time for him to face his brother.  
    In reality Laban had taken advantage and cheated Jacob, so Jacob went to his wives (Laban's daughters) and they all agreed it was time to leave.  Since they fled in secret it was called an abortion.  They headed to Gilead.  It took Laban three days to realize that they were gone.  It all worked out in the end, but it does not change the fact that Jacob felt like he had to abort a situation for his own safety.
    God's people were given laws on how to treat people.  An accidental kill means that the killer should flee (abort) the situation or their life would be forfeit.  There were designated towns for people like that.  Today we would probably consider it prison, but they were self-sufficient.  If they ever left the town, then their life was considered forfeit and the family of the killed were allowed to kill him to get redemption.  
    Do not lie or help wicked people.  The laws that God placed are meant for justice and mercy.  People that step out of that are wicked.  The law is not to be manipulated because it clearly defines sin the way God set the standard.  It shows us our need for Him.  
    We are called to be honest in all of our dealings.  There are laws on how to treat people, animals, the land, and even taking breaks.  God provided us with guardian angels to protect His people.  They do not rebel against Him, so we should not either.  If we rebel the angels do not forgive.  They are powerful and holy creatures, but they are not to be worshipped.  God is the only one to ever be worshipped.  If you choose to follow God, then you are under His protection.  If you rebel, then you are aborted from Heaven.  It is your life to live, but it is also your eternity.
    The unfaithful do not rejoice.  They live an unclean life.  On the day of punishment, the evil doers and merciless will be aborted from God's presence for eternity.  Now is when we make that decision because once we die there is no do-overs or second chances.  Those who reject God live a  woeful life.  The rebellious are driven out because God rejects them for not obeying, not following the truth.  We all have to take responsibility for our lives.

Genesis 31, Exodus 21-23, Hosea 9

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