Tuesday, August 15, 2023

God of the Bible Part 3


    To know God of the Bible is to understand what it is to praise.  Praise originated from the Greek.  It means to sing, tell, give, or confess to God.  It comes down to being thankful for God's blessings and declaring the good news to God and other people..
    To know God of the Bible is to know real intimacy.  It makes settling for anything else more difficult.  He knows you better than you know yourself.  He knows you inside and out.  We get to spend eternity getting to know him in the same way.  That knowledge should pierce the heart.  He knows all your faults and sins, yet He still wants you.  
    Take comfort in what you know about God.  He will guide you in your journey in knowing Him better.  It is personalized because we are not all the same.  That is why it is intimate.  His way is the right way for you.  He does this because you are valuable to Him.  He protects you and makes your path steady, just so you can know Him as much as you want to know Him.
    God is constantly with you.  There is no escape, so you might as well acknowledge it and stop fighting.  It is a waste of energy and it doesn't change anything.  It is in your own best interest to follow His plan.  If you do, then you will never fail.
    God made you wonderfully.  He designed your mind, body, and chemistry.  There are worldly factors that influence and change things, but he made you perfect.  When you brain is fully functional, you are able to see Him clearly if you want to see Him.  God made you who you are in the purest form: how your body functions, personality, every genetic detail.
    You don't have to figure out every detail about God.  Accept what you know and push to know more, but marvel at the mysteries.  They don't have to be solved today.  One is how He designs us so perfectly in our mother's womb.  He knows our first and last day of life, but we do not.  He made you because He loves you.  Accept that and allow your life to be a pilgrimage to knowing Him better.
    God's judgment is righteous.  It is our place to submit to Him, not vise versa.  We can't ignore Him, so why do we try?  It is better to allow Him to search our hearts and reveal to us what He finds.  It is the only way we will see the sin in our lives.  It is not sensible to run, hide, or rebel.  
    One day you will see how your sin grieves the Holy Spirit.  God cares about how you feel and think, but when it comes to right and wrong, your opinion doesn't matter.  God's Word made it clear: sin is sin.  Changing the name will not change the truth.  God is love.  He is the ultimate judge.  He is everything good in the world.  

Psalms 139, Proverbs 6:16-19, & Matthew 15:32-39

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