Monday, August 14, 2023

Jehovah Rapha


    God is the only living God, but He had several names to describe who He is.  I have already mentioned that a person name describes their character, so we can have a sense of who they were throughout history.  That means that people gave God different names for the needs that they had when it came to pray to Him.  Jehovah Rapha means "God who heals".  
    Jehovah Rapha was first mentioned in Exodus in the context to the plagues.  It was used as a warning not to fall away from God or you will suffer.  However, Jesus became the living aspect of Jehovah Rapha.  What we consider impossible no longer was impossible because of Jesus.  He gave us a new understanding of faith.  Faith became one spirit and pure love with God.  It enables us to put our faith into action.
    Faith is what fills that void within your soul.  When we focus on our problems, conditions, and the wrongs in the world, then we drown out the peace that faith can provide.  We allow the evils of the world to consume us because we are not built to handle it.  It is too much.  That is why we need Jehovah Rapha.  He is the only one that can heal the soul.
    Instead of working so hard to fit into this world and to have money (that will never be enough) focus on pleasing Jehovah Rapha.  We will never be enough for people because we can't keep ourselves put together and hold other people up at the same time.  We need Jehovah Rapha to do that.  When we put things in proper perspective, then we can rise above our own problems and help other people along the way.  However, they have to get to the point where they can take care of themselves too.
    When Jehovah Rapha heals your soul, let go of the past. There is no benefit on dwelling on things that you cannot change.  Instead, focus on living in obedience.  That is how you will find joy again.  Saturate your mind and heart in God to overcome your sinful nature and to move forward, not backward.
    The more you allow Jehovah Rapha into your heart, the more Satan loses power over you.  Jesus bore your sins on the cross, so that we could really live.  If you do not embrace that, then burnout is inevitable.  You will drown in your own junk.  It is better to turn to redemption.  Redemption is when you turn away from your sins toward obedience to God.  
    Sin only brings punishment.  It brings pain and suffering.  Who cares what scoffers think if you have peace in your heart.  To follow Jesus is a decision.  You chose to follow him to freedom or stay bound in your sin.  Don't pay too much attention to what other people are doing with their lives or they will have the power to lead you astray.  
    Jehovah Rapha is all that you need to have peace in life.  He gives you more than what you need, so that you can have the strength to bring other people to Him.  When you are with God, you lack nothing.  Embrace His grace and mercy to enjoy today, so you can see a tomorrow.  If not, then Satan will have a foothold to put worry, frustration, and disappointment in your life.  His desire is that it will consume you.  That is not living.  It is better to live in faith in Jesus, the guardian of our souls.

Mark 9:23, John 5:1-15, & 1 Peter 2:24

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