Thursday, August 17, 2023

Trauma Healing


    Trauma is to be deeply distressed  or disturbed from an experience.  It could be PTSD, chronic abuse, a major loss, an accident, or other options.  Trauma depends on the person and the set of experiences.  Trauma can be physical, emotional, psychological, or all of the above.
    Some things that can set you up for trauma is your culture.  A culture that gives you the wrong mentality does not enable you to cope with situations well.  It can make God feel far away.  Some people may believe that God only cares about certain people, but not people like them or God made a mistake making them.  Some people only expect bad things, so when it happens it is no surprise.  Some may think it is punishment and doubt God's goodness or trustworthiness.  These are not healthy lines of thought.
    God is close.  He is as close to you as you allow Him to be.  He is receptive to all your feelings, but will not listen to a heart full of pride.  A broken heart gets His full attention.  He is able to fix anything that is happening or has happened.  He can heal the broken heart.  He is there with you.  He is aware of the pain and why you have pain.  
    God does care, but we live in the world that we created.  If we allow sin to rule, then bad things will continue to happen.  We may be victims at times, but we need to acknowledge that the pain does not come from God, but from the lack of God in some people's lives.  The last thing we want to do is suppress the truth.  It only makes the healing process much slower.  
    God love you.  He is powerful.  He is actively working on your behalf.  Just stay faithful and you will get through this.  Be present and allow yourself to feel all your feelings, but don't allow your feelings to control how you behave.  Write it down.  Do what you need to do to process your trauma.  
    Find rest in God.  Trust that He will protect your you even if you are still going through some things.  Pray through it to see if He is asking you to take action to get yourself out.  We have to do our part to step out of fear, terror, and pain.  
    Trust that evil will not touch you. It may influence what is around you, but it is not touching you.  Trust that the wicked will be punished.  Trust that God does love you.  Trust that when you call out to Him that He will rescue you.  Trust in the live that He gave you and the eternal life that you will go to after this life is over.

Psalm 91, Proverbs 6: 16-19, & Romans 8: 35-39 

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