Friday, August 18, 2023

Origin of Suffering


    Suffering is the state of ongoing pain, distress, or hardship.  It is not a word to be used lightly because it is an intense word with impact.  The origin of suffering comes from the fall of man.  It is the consequences to sin.  Until we remove sin from this world, the suffering will not end.  
    Suffering began the moment people chose to separate themselves from God.  It never ended.  Adam and Eve made the first move, but every person since has had the opportunity to stop the cycle.  None of us have succeeded.  It all comes down to the fact that we do not see God's instructions as good.  We just have to know what else is out there or what we can obtain here and now.
    Satan is powerful, but not as powerful as God.  That is why God can remove our sins when we repent.  Satan enjoys suffering, so if he can lead you to your own suffering that is an easy win for him.  However, that is not always the case.  Look at Job.  He lived a life that honored God, but got permission to attack Job.  God allowed it not to hurt Job, but to try to make a point to Satan.  A point he will never accept: people honor God out of love not obligation.  Satan made Job suffer unlike almost any other person, but Job never turned away from God.
    Sin is a choice.  We suffer due to our own sins, sins of the ones we love, or sins of the world around you.  Sin the root of all suffering not matter where it comes from.  It comes when we try to grow with God.  Satan does not like losing what he has control over.  Suffering comes as we become stronger.  He have to persevere to become stronger in our faith.  Suffering is part of the refinement process.  
    When God works on our character, he has to sift through our mindset and places where we are hard hearted.  It builds perseverance and endurance.  It all works together.  It also allows us to see that God is right there with us to hold us up and to show His love in a new way.  Suffering teaches us empathy for other people when they struggle.  It teaches us reliance on God in our brokenness.  Dependence on God opens our eyes to see the world in a whole new way because we are learning how to trust Him.  The biproduct is seeing the world like He does.
    Suffering can be a thought process.  We can make ourselves suffer more than we need to.  We allow our thoughts to take certain paths.  Focus on God instead of the situation and we can change the we think.  It is learning on how to give up control to find peace.  You can have peace in the midst of suffering.  
    The fact is God will not be in the presence of sin.  When we chose sin over our relationship with Him, it may feel like God has forgotten about you.  He has not.  It may feel like He has placed struggles into your life.  He has not.  You may feel sorrow in your heart.  It will not go away until you turn from your sin and give your heart and soul to Him .  His love is unfailing.  

Genesis 3, Psalms 13, Isaiah 55 Romans 5:12, & 2 Corinthians 3:5

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