Saturday, August 19, 2023

Church Suffering


    We all suffer because we introduced sin into the world.  He world has become corrupt, but it still has God.  As a church we have habits that make us rely on God in the midst of suffering.  Since the church is a collective of people, we also invite some of the church suffering upon ourselves.
    The church has a reputation for being judgmental.  We allow the world to see our anger, but not our love.  That makes the world more resistant to hear the message that Jesus brought.  His message was to follow him faithfully and in love.  God is the judge.  We only have the right to judge on if we can allow a person into our lives or if people are trying to silence God.  Then we just need to fight for His voice, not to condemn.
    The people in the church can do things that are unpleasing to God just like the people in the world.  We need to remember that before we judge too harshly.  At the same time, the people in leadership in the church are held at a higher standard.  If they have known habitual sin, then they have no right to be in the leadership position.  It is exhausting to fight God.  It is better to allow Him to take control and you follow His direction. 
    The church needs to learn grace as a community, not just individually.  If we do not, then we will never find joy in church.  We will never draw people in the world into our church.  We live in the world, but we are not a part of this world.  If our lives are just like theirs, then why would they ever want to give up their free time to have "fellowship"?
    The church needs to stop promising prosperity.  Not everyone is going to be wealthy.  Not every pastor is going to be rich.  The message is about Jesus, not money.  We prosper spiritually.  That is not something the world can understand until they take that leap of faith into the hands of God.  
    The church needs to stop the mind set that all their problems come from some hidden sin or past sin.  If you prayed for forgiveness and truly changed, then  God has forgiven you.  Now if we make certain life choices that are dangerous, then there are consequences.  Some of those consequences are life changing or altering.  Some may even take our lives early.  No matter what our lives look like if we are true Christians, then we will find our relief after this life.
    The church needs to help each other in personal growth.  We are responsible to go out into the world and try to reach the lost. We need the world to see God in us, so that they will want to see God for themselves.  
    This is where the suffering that the church does hear about comes in.  When you are doing what God tells you to do, then you become more susceptible to Satan's attacks.  He wants to shut you up.  He doesn't want any of his people turning to God.  He wants you to fail as a Christian, so he will do all he can to crush you.  
    This is when you have to lean into God even more.  If your pool of faith runs dry, then you burn out and you are no good for yourself, the church, or the world.  Being a Christian is beyond rewarding, but it is hard work too.  You just have to endure the hate of the world and remember that they hated Jesus first.

Matthew 10:22, Romans 5:6-11, 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, Ephesians 2:8-10, & 1 John 4:9-10

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