Thursday, August 31, 2023

Healing Together


    There are certain things that we have to go through life alone.  Grief and trauma are not one of them.  The best way to heal is to find other people that are going through something similar and or have gone through it.  You will find support, a way out of being trapped in your own head, empathy, and understanding.  Nothing bonds people more than feeling understood and still accepted.
    A facilitator can gather the people that are hurting together.  The best facilitator in these circumstances are people that have gone through something similar, but with God.  They understand the pain, mistrust, and the need for healing.  They can bring the people together, pray over them, and direct them to God for the deep healing.
    Personal invitation is the best way to help people feel safe and not find an excuse to not show.  Even in a group setting, be gender conscience.  Men only need to talk about certain things with other men and the same goes for women.
    The ideal size for a group of people that are hurting or grieving is six to 12.  Anymore than that, then people begin to fall through the cracks.  Not everyone will get what they need from coming to the group.  Less than six and it can become too intimate like a clique.  They can start talking about other things and loose focus on why they are there: to heal.
    When a person comes for the first time, it is good to encourage commitment.  Some people will have one foot out the door unless you hold them accountable.  Some will show faithfully, but not participate in a way that is beneficial for them.  Have them commit to showing up for every session, to never missing one meeting.
    If this is an organized group, then it is good to have materials ready to give out in more than one language, but it is not the most important thing.  The connection, healing, and turning to God is what matters.  Also, you may consider having someone to watch over the children, so that the adults can focus on themselves for an hour or two.
Psalm 147, Isaiah 58: 8-11, 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, & James 5:16-18

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