Saturday, August 5, 2023

Spiritual Warfare


    Jeremiah was in prison when God came to him for the second time.  God talked to Jeremiah about how He established the world, why it is not perfect, and what that means for the world.  God was talking to Jeremiah because Jeremiah listened.  
    God always wanted an open communication relationship.  He is there to listen to our prayers.  We just need to pray.  We need to call out to God.  When we do, then He will answer the things unknown to us.  Things in the world come and go, but God is constant.  People die, but God will only reject those that rejected Him in life.  The people that live a life of faith will find comfort, healing, and eternal health.
    Salvation offers security.  In this world that is what we need more than anything.  The peace in our heart that we find from this security is priceless.  We can see things through a clean spirit.  The confusion can be washed away.  All we have to do is have faith and trust God to honor His Word.  
    Satan knows all this.  That is why he fights so hard against God's people.  He wants to steal your joy.  If he can't then he will seek to kill your joy.  This is spiritual warfare.  It is real.  It is intense.  It can't be avoided.  If you have the easy life with no concerns, then you should be afraid because Satan doesn't attack what he has already won.  
    When life feels hopeless, listen to the Holy Spirit whispering life into you.  He is revealing Himself, God, and Jesus to you.  Are you willing to endure what life throws at you, so that you can have that relationship?  His covenant is fixed.  It does not change.  It establishes a fix law of holy love for Heaven and Earth.  It is given through the compassion of God, so that we can be restored even when we fail miserably on our own.
    Peter was elected by God to live as a stranger in this world.  That means he was willing to be different to honor God.  He would sacrifice any other relationship to keep his closeness to Jesus.  He knew God.  He knew how the Holy Spirit works.  He chose to be obedient.  He chose to praise God for His mercy.  This allowed him to live a new life of hope that only Jesus was able to give him.
    Our faith is our shield.  The trials of life cause grief and suffering, but they can't make you lose hope.  Faith is genuine, glorious, and honorable.  It is not something that can be faked.  Allow the Holy Spirit to search your soul to show you anything you may have hidden that will hinder your relationship with God.  Allow the trials to burn away any impurity that you find.  
    Allow your faith to strengthen you with self-control, hope, grace, and obedience so that you do not fall victim to Satan's war against God.  Allow yourself to be purified in truth and sincere love because they are imperishable.

Jeremiah 33 & 1 Peter 1

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