Thursday, October 19, 2023



    To acknowledge is translated from yada in the Bible.  It means "to know or to recognize".  It is giving God is due credit for our lives.  At the same time seeing our part in why life is not perfect the way God designed it to be.
    If you acknowledge sin for being sin, then you can see where you fell short.  If you go to God with remorse over your sin and ready to change, then your sin is forgiven and removed.  This is when you can find joy.  No regret or shame, but move on with a new start because God has cleared you from your guilt.  
    To acknowledge your life for what it is requires living an honest life.  The other option is to pretend that you are just a good person that made a few mistakes in life.  That life waste away your body.  It is an unfulfilled life full of does and don'ts.  There is no real freedom and it will weigh heavy upon you.  You can only maintain that burden for so long before you find yourself completely exhausted.  It is better to stop hiding and face reality and allow God to remove your sins.
    Acknowledge that God has given you everything you need to live the life that He created for you.  Take the time to learn his commands and put them in your heart to remember as needed.  This leads to a satisfying life.  It enables you to be loyal and kind because it lives in your heart.  The outcome will be God being happy with you and you find favor with other people by a good reputation.  Trust God even when you don't understand life.  Seek Him in all that you do and you will find your path designed just for you.
    Acknowledge Jesus publicly now and he will acknowledge you before God in Heaven.  However, if you deny Him, will be denied before God.  You are a stranger to Him and you will not enter the eternal promised land.  Jesus did not come to bring peace on earth.  His peace is for the soul.  His presence brought division making it clear who is God's people and everyone else.  This is truth that we must face.

Psalms 32:1-5, Proverbs 3:1-6, & Matthew 10:32-36

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