Saturday, October 21, 2023



    To act is to exert power to produce a motion.  It is not something that will happen on it's own.  Something starts and then certain events follow to make an action.   There is a whole book in the Bible dedicated to action.  Starting with one event and leading to a revised body of Christ.  It is a book about how the church became the real church, but the whole Bible is about actions and consequences.
    Moses was the one that acted on God's commands.  He was God's chosen representative of God's people to be a leader that could keep God's people focused on the right path.  God had Moses tell the people who He was and that He freed them from oppression.  He rescued them from slavery and promised to redeem them through His great power and judgment on all those that harmed them.  God claimed them as His.  That act of God changed history and set them apart from all other people.
    Toward the end of Moses' life he gave the chosen people over to Joshua who had proven to be faithful to God.  Moses plead with God about His great display of power.  No one could compare or keep up with all that God was doing.  Moses wanted to enter the promised land, but his actions had blocked him from ever entering.  He was only allowed to see it from a mountain top.  He did not get to enter Earth's promised land, but his faith did save him to enter the promised land of Heaven.
    Today we do not need to worry about the wicked because God had already promised that He would take care of them.  Life has its season and we all fade away from life on earth.  It is our actions and faith here that decide our eternity.  
    Trust in God.  Trust in His Word and obey faithfully.  You do not need to be afraid of eternity.  Delight in the pleasures that God gives you in life with a grateful heart because life is meant to be lived.  Commit to God and justice will shine upon you.  
    Jesus actions may seem crazy to the people who do follow Him faithfully.  He did things knowing that they would lead to his death.  He did not back down to people's threats, criticism, insults, or patronizing manner.  He knew what he came to earth to do.  He knew how it would end and change everything for the rest of time.  He knew that the actions of sin needed to be erased.  Those with a broken heart over their sin will be forgiven and he was the only one with the power to put that into place.  
    Thank Jesus for the strength that he gave you be coming into this world to set an example and change things to help you out.  Salvation has never been easier, but it is rejected more than ever.  He has entrusted you with a part in His story.  Are you taking up the cross and following him?  
    No matter what you past was, your right now can change if you act in faith.  Your future can be bright.  You have a purpose.  Are you willing to do whatever it is Jesus is asking of you?  If so, then you will be generously given grace to complete you in faith and love of Jesus.

Exodus 6:6-8, Deuteronomy 3:23-25, Psalm 37: 1-6, John 8:1-5, & 1 Timothy 1:12-14

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