Sunday, October 22, 2023



    To act you have to take action.  It is literally what drives you.  It is motivation empowered to move.  Throughout the Bible God is taking action.  He is reaching out to His people trying to connect and help them stay on the path that would make better.  He takes the actions and we learned how to from Him.
    Hannah wanted a child more than anything in the world.  She had a good life.  She had a husband that loved and respected her.  She had it much better than most, but she still had a deep longing for a life that held a biological child from her womb.  She took action and prayed.  
    God heard her prayer because He saw the purity and faithfulness of heart heart.  She wanted a child, but she was not going to walk away from God if she didn't get what she wanted.  God gave her her heart's desire.  
    Hannah was probably one of the most grateful mothers in the world.  She praised God for making her strong.  She rejoiced for Him saving her.  She recognized who God is and the power that He holds.  She acknowledged that her actions (good or bad) would only be held accountable to Him.  
    Then she did what almost no other woman probably could.  She allowed Samuel to be weened, then she sacrificed watching him grow into a man by giving him to God.  She allowed the priest, Eli, to raise her son and only saw him once a year.  God rewarded her sacrifice by giving her more children, but each child is special and different.  It could not have been easy for her.
    Jesus was a man of action.  The thing is that his actions would not make a movie today.  They affected every aspect of life, but people tend to only recognize the miracles.  He was a teacher with with power because he spoke with the authority of God.  He is God's son whom God sacrificed like Hannah for our benefit.
    Jesus taught that we need to listen to God's Word, then apply it.  We have to take action in what we hear to be wise and strong in faith.  Life events happen and some are not good.  Some events are horrible, but you can endure them with God or on your own.   actions.  If you hear and do not obey, then that makes you a fool.  It is your choice.  You choices are
    We have to prepare out minds to be ready to take action in a moment.  It requires exercising self-discipline.  We have to deny ourselves certain desires for a time to prepare ourselves for the bountiful blessings that will come.  It is meant to mentally and emotionally put your entire focus on salvation instead of the right now desires or needs.  
    Jesus came into this world to reveal to us how that can work.  He reveals the truth.  We are God's children.  That means we need to take the time to learn that God knows our heart's desires better than we do.  We can misinterpret them and allow them to take us on a path away from God.  However, if you give them over to God he will lead you to be holy and see your desires more clearly.  Take action to live a Holy life and you will live a satisfied and full life.

1Samuel 2:1-5, Matthew 7:24-29, & 1 Peter 1:13-16

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