Monday, October 23, 2023



    God named the first man Adam.  It set the precedence that names are important.  It was decided that the name Adam meant "soil" or "earth".  It represents "man" or "humanity".  In this case the name Adam represents one of the most important true story for all people.
    God created the perfect world.  It was beautiful, but He still wanted something else.  He created man in His likeness.  God is over everything in the world, but He created man to be over taking care of the world.  Adam was made to rule over the animals and give them names.
    From Adam, God made the first woman so the man could have a complete life on Earth.  Together, God blessed them to multiply and cover the earth with their offspring.  It also enabled them to govern the world in a holy manner: taking care of all of God's creation not just people or themselves.  
    God had provided for all the animal's needs and all the needs of Adam and Eve.  They were vegan then because they did not need to kill to have what they needed to survive.  Consumption of meat came after the fall and the world became tainted.  For that moment God saw all He had created and was pleased.  God took the seventh day to rest.  No because he needed to, but to teach people how to take time to rest and appreciate their lives.
    God gave Adam and Eve the simple instructions on how to live the perfect life.  Just don't eat from one tree: tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Innocence was the key to happiness. If they ate of that tree it would curse them.  It would eventually lead to their death.  That means that when man was created we were created to be eternal.  Our souls still are eternal, just not our bodies.
    It was a world of no shame or regret or pain.  It was perfect.  Satan came in and blemished the perfection.  He placed doubt in the minds of humans.  It was that doubt that led to the first sin.  That first sin opened the door to all the hatred and perversions of the world that exist today.  
    It is so common that it seems like the norm when it goes against everything that God created.  Our sins hurt the animals because we do not manage them the way God designed.  It cursed the earth where we now have to work hard for what we have.  None of this was part of God's design even if He did know that it would happen and had a plan in place.
    Adam's sin brought death into the perfect world.  His sin introduced animal sacrifice to atone for sin.  Blood has always been required to atone for sin.  Adam loved all the animals, so it had to hurt him to kill one to save himself and Eve.  It also destroyed the trust that animals had in people.  
    Adam's sin also introduced the law of God into the world.  People now needed set boundaries on how to live life that were well defined and strict.  However, every generation sins and we all die as a result.  Adam became the symbol to represent Christ before Jesus came into the world, but with polar differences.  
    Adam brought sin and death.  Jesus brought life and redemption.  Death entered the world through man, but the resurrection came through Jesus.  Everyone who turns to Jesus will live eternally.  We are given a new life that can't be taken away from us even though our bodies will die.  It is the only way out of the curse that Adam placed on the earth.  

Genesis 1:26-2:25, 5:3-5, Romans 5:12-17, & 1 Corinthians 15:21-23

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