Tuesday, October 24, 2023

To Add


    To add is to put things together to make something new or different.  It joins or unites things or people.  When it is applied to the Bible it is to arrange in an addition.  Commentaries are a great example because they are meant to give meaning without manipulating the scripture.  To manipulate or change the scripture is a grievous sin, so Biblical scholars are careful to apply meaning to what we read.  
    What ever God does is final.  No one can add or take away from what He has done.  That fact should bring a holy fear upon people because we get the time we have, but then eternity is final.  No more second changes.  Maybe we get so many second chances in life that we forget to take some things more seriously.  Eternity is serious.  God allows the same thing to happen over and over again throughout history.  Maybe it is to give us the opportunity to change things, but we keep failing.
    Jesus told us not to worry about everyday life: clothing, drink, food, or anything else.  God had proven that he provides.   Life is more than things and a full belly.  Put more value in your relationship with God and trust that He is taking care of your needs.  We may just need to humble ourselves to ask for what we need and desire.  Your life holds value to Him and you know He keeps His promises.  There is no need to try to take over for Him.  He wants to provide and give you a full life, but He wants you to have a relationship with Him more.
    We all have to repent our sins and turn to God.  Then we need to be baptized as our first step in faith and obedience to Jesus' instructions.  After you act in obedience of faith, then the Holy Spirit will provide different gifts to each of us as He chooses.  It is a promise from God, so you know it is true.  As we turn away from our natural sins, then we can see just how crooked we really were.  
    Salvation gives us a fresh perspective on how we lived and why we try to sin no more.  From here we are to go out and add to the number of believers.  All you have to did is tell and live out your testimony.  You don't have to be a theologian, scholar, or preacher.  Just be willing.
    Jesus gives life new meaning. If you follow him, then you get added value and perspective.  He changed everything, so he can still change people.  We cannot.  That is why we need to give the people we want to give up on over to Jesus.  Pray and never stop praying that they will turn to God and inherit the eternal promised land.

Ecclesiastes 3:14-15, Matthew 6:25-27,  Acts 2:38-41, & Galatians 3:15-18

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