Thursday, October 26, 2023



    Admonish is to warn or reprimand someone firmly.  When it comes to the Bible it is to put the warning or reprimand in the mind of someone.  It is used as a caution, sometimes a cautionary tale, for the people then, today, and those that will come after.  It is a gentle warning before real consequences will occur.
    Admonishment can come in the form of advice.  Be careful of continuous writing and study.  It will wear you out.  We are called to learn as much as we can, but we are also called to live life.  We need to live out what we are learning and share the knowledge with the people placed in our lives.  
    Instead of being an expert, it is better to fear God and obey His commands.  The depth will come in time as you continue to learn, study, pray, and live it out.  God judges every action.  That includes what is done in secret.  He judges everything: good or bad.
    God gives us warnings before He does anything.  He gives us time to change from a sinful lifestyle to a faithful lifestyle.  He allows us to make the decisions for ourselves, but if we chose to continue to push Him away, then He will carry out His Word.  
    Listen to God.  Listen to those that have lived life and know the truth from experience.  Listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to your conscience.  Be honest with yourself.  Allow Jesus' message enrich your life.  Take what you learn to teach and counsel other people in wisdom.  Keep a thankful heart for all God has done for you.  
    Remember that your actions and words represent God.  If you forget, then God will have to admonish you.   Take note of the people that refuse to obey God's Word.  Take note not to judge them, but to put space between you and them.   The will be admonished and it will lead to shame.  You don't want to be a part of that.  They are not your enemies, but healthy boundaries will save your peace of mind and you from unnecessary trouble.
    Gives and sacrifices represent leadership for Jesus.  You are living your life as Jesus lived his.  Following his example is the best form or living.  It is also an act of worship.  Using your gifts to live your life for Jesus is living out worship.  The warning is to make sure you obey Him exactly as directed.  You can't do any short cuts, omissions, or procrastination.  It is to be done exactly as instructed.  Jesus provided a superior way of doing things, but that rule will never change.  

Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, Jeremiah 42:18-22, Colossian 3:16-17, 2 Thessalians 3:14-15, & Hebrews 8:3-5

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