Friday, October 27, 2023



    Adonijah means "My Lord is Jehovah".  It is a Hebrew name.  In the Bible,  Adonijah is King David's fourth son.  He was born when David was king in Hebron.  His mother was Haggith.  We don't really know anything about Haggith.  What we do know is David named  Adonijah in faith.
    When King David got old, he became frail and needed extra care.  His advisors found a beautiful virgin to stay with him and keep him warm.  He never touched Abishag in a sexual manner, but she was his.  It was during this time that  Adonijah began boasting that he was about to be king.  It was like he didn't care that his father was dying.
     Adonijah basically stepped into the role without being asked to be the next king.  David was a great king, but he was not a disciplinary father.  That allowed his children to run wild.   Adonijah did what he did because he truly didn't see anything wrong with his actions.  This is where David failed his children.  
     Adonijah was a confident young man.  He was even able to persuade some of David's staff to go ahead and start serving him.  His behavior brought concern to other staff.  David's loyal officials went to Bathsheba to have her talk with David about what was happening and to get a vow that Solomon would be the next king.  If David did not do this, then she and Solomon could be run out of the country or killed.  
    David was concerned about the report he got from Bathsheba and Nathan.  He declared to both that Solomon would be the next king.  David's loyal staff rejoiced because they knew that Solomon would be the better king for the people.  Maybe it was because he was born later in David's life and learned lessons from his older brothers or David treated him differently or maybe it was just his personality.
    Solomon was anointed king that very day before David even died.  David spent the rest of his life teaching Solomon how to be a good king.  The people celebrated.  I am sure they appreciated a little clarity of what was happening in their government.  
     Adonijah's banquet (as the new king) was interrupted by the commotion of Solomon becoming the actual king.  Most of his supporters jumped ship at this point.   Adonijah was afraid for his own life since he had already told everyone he was king.  It put them in a combative situation, but it was all due to  Adonijah's actions.  
     Adonijah had his people go to Solomon to beg for his life.  Solomon had no desire to kill his brother, so he declared that  Adonijah would not be harmed in any way unless he caused trouble.  The brothers had a short interaction and Solomon sent  Adonijah home to live his life.
    When David died, Solomon had to move fast to establish his throne for the security of his nation.   Adonijah was cunning though. He asked to have Abishag as his wife.  It was basically his attempt to take the throne from Solomon.   Adonijah was selfish.  He was not thinking about the people, but the position that he wanted to hold.  His actions caused division instead of unity in the Israel nation by dividing the royal officials.
    Solomon was forced to wipe out all of  Adonijah's loyal officials to establish his throne.  He did not want to.  He gave everyone a way out before he acted.  They chose to follow  Adonijah to death.  Solomon finished all of David's lose ends to give the nation complete peace.  It was not an easy job, but Solomon was determined to follow God and do the right thing.  His obedience highlighted how  Adonijah did not appear to be a true follower of God.  That is why God established Solomon as king over the eldest living son of David.

2 Samuel 3:2-5 &1 Kings 1-2

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