Saturday, October 28, 2023



    When you become a Christian, you allow the Holy Spirit to live in your soul.  They join like in Holy Marriage.  That unity makes it where you are adopted into God's family.  It means that it is time to put away the sinful nature and pursue righteousness.  
    Being adopted into God's family means you call God father.  You become an heir to God's glory.  That means you get to be a part in all His glory, but also in the suffering that Jesus endured.  The suffering happens now and the glory comes after when we really discover the freedom from death.  We are released from the curse of eternal death.  
    The Holy Spirit is your biggest advocate.  He deciphers you.  He prays for you.  He creates the harmony for your life.  He gives you the insurances that once you are adopted into God's family that nothing can take you back out.  That means human love, persecution, hunger, threats, or anything.  Death, demon, angels, fear, anxiety can't touch your adoption because God chose to love you.  You can have confidence in your place in eternity.
    Let go of the grief of your old life and focus on the conscience on how you live this life.  God is revealing His glory through you.  It is a privilege to worship and receive His promises.  Live in your covenant with God in love and trust.
    Parent's die and leave you an inheritance to leave their children better off and able to survive this world with better comforts than a slave.  You still have to live in obedience.  God sent his son at the right time to teach us what freedom is.  Jesus was subject to the law like all humans because he was fully human.  Because he was fully God too he was able to change it so we could be adopted by God through him.  He enabled everyone to become an heir of God.
    God blesses us with spiritual blessings.  God loved us before he even created the world.  Through Christ he chose us to be Holy and without fault.  Jesus took away our faults of sin.  God is rich in kindness and grace to give us Jesus.  Jesus bought our freedom with his own human blood.  He was innocent and he suffered, so we could have an opportunity to pick what we really want in life and after.  His kindness includes wisdom and understanding.  Those gifts are rich in value.

Romans 8:15-9:4, Galatians 4:1-7, & Ephesians 1:3-8

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