Wednesday, November 1, 2023



    An adulterer is someone who has sexual relations with someone outside of marriage.  That is pretty straight forward.  It is more noticed in one of the people are married.  However, God considers us putting anyone before Him as adultery.
    The first mention of adultery is in Leviticus.  It was summed up as a law of God.  It basically says anyone who has sex with a friend's (neighbor) spouse then both have committed adultery.  It is straight forward.  No what ifs or what about.  If you interfere with a marriage in a sexual context, then you are an adulterer.
    God ask the wicked why they even recite His laws?  Why pretend to be obedient when you live how you want to live?  You refuse His discipline and trash His Word.  You live like a thief and spend time with adulterers.  That is meant to be an insult because it means that your heart is filled with wickedness and tongue with lies.  You slander what is good.  All the while you are piling up the charges against you.
    Adultery and false prophets break the heart of followers of Jesus.  It is exhausting and overwhelming how people just don't care about having a relationship with God or claim to but live wickedly.  God's Word speaks against them and it is harsh.  The world is full of adulterers that lie under a curse for doing evil and abusing what is righteous.  
    Adultery is an abuse of power that God had given to them.  They hurt people that trust them.  Ultimately they hurt themselves when their entire world falls apart and if they don't get right with God, then they have to face it for eternity.
    If you chose a life of adultery, do you realize that you will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  It reveals the heart.  It reveals that you chose not to follow Jesus.  Don't fool yourself into thinking you are righteous when you live in evil.  Sexual sin, idol worship, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, thieves, greediness, drunkards, abusers, and cheats are on the list made by God of people who will not enter Heaven.  
   You can get out of that category by surrendering your past to Jesus and accepting salvation.  You can be cleansed and live a new life going forward.  You become Holy the moment you accept the truth of salvation and remove your lifestyle of sin in Jesus' name.  The Holy Spirit will help guide you in how to change things.
    Honor your marriage by remaining faithful like you do your salvation to honor Jesus.  God will judge immorality.  If you stray from Him or your marriage, then there will be unpleasant consequences.  If you have strayed it is better to confess it and ask for forgiveness rather than to await judgement.  

Leviticus 20:10, Psalm 50:16-21, Jeremiah 23:9-10, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, & Hebrews 13:4

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