Thursday, November 2, 2023



    An adulteress is a married woman that commits marital infidelity.  The thing is that a lot of people only consider the act of sex as cheating.  That is wrong.  It is everything that leads up to any touch that you would not allow in front of your spouse.  It starts in the mind.  Men and women can be friends, but strict boundaries do need to be in place to protect your friendship and your marriage or potential marriage.
    Women are held at a higher standard when it comes to sexual indiscretions.  We can can control a lot by how we talk, dress, and act.  At the same time we are the weaker sex.  Sometimes things happen to us that we do not invite.  We can only control so much and have to pray over all of it.  
    God has a lot to say about sex because it is so sacred.  It comes back to Leviticus where you can find all His laws and He is explicit about the sexual laws.  Adultery is a crime in God's eyes.  The punishment for that crime is death.  However you do learn from a lesson taught by Jesus, that it can be forgiven.  However, just because it is forgiven by God, it does not necessarily mean you can save your marriage.  God may save your life, but your may loss people from your life.
    An adulteress woman will consume a man.  He will be willing to loss everything that he holds value for a woman that willingly leads him astray.  This makes me think that men are weaker than women in the sexual world.  They need the help of women to keep from wondering.  They are responsible for where they allow their eyes to linger and thoughts turning into fantasy, but we can direct their eyes to our eyes instead of our bodies.  We can avoid turning into a fantasy if we are aware of the possibility.  We hold more power than we give ourselves credit for.
    Some women go out of their way to lure men.  They adorn themselves in a manner that demands attention.   They act inviting in a way that is more than hospitable.  There are lots of lustful men and men that have weak values due to being drunk.  They make themselves easy prey for a woman like this.  They will give all that they have for her attention because she makes him feel special and wanted.  They fall prey to adultery because of women that behave like prostitutes.  They will be judged just like the women, but the women opened the door.
    A woman needs to understand her sexual power.  She needs to turn it to purity through modesty and her relation with Jesus.  She needs to use that power to make her man feel needed and wanted at home, so that he does not want to wonder.  However, there are always some men that are eager to find attention elsewhere.  Don't take their sin on as your own.  Do what you know is righteous and allow God to deal with everything else.

Leviticus 20:10, Proverbs 30:20, & Ezekiel 23:40-45

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