Friday, November 3, 2023



    An adulterer is a person who has sex with an engaged or married person.  Another word used for adulterous behavior is fornication.  In the Bible it is considered a great wrong.  It is a sin.  The act of adultery is adulterous.
     It is a sick heart that becomes adulterous.  It takes a sick heart to act like a shameless prostitute.  God was calling out His people for forsaking Him for pagan practices.  They were mixing paganism into what they had with God.  That is not something would tolerate.  The sin demanded payment which was that God was going to abandon them and allow horrible things to happen without His protection.  God compared His people to an adulterous wife who took strangers to her bed instead of her husband.  
    God's judgment was harsh to our standards, but the truth is that many Christians act the same way and expect there to be no consequences.  They do not see anything wrong with having sex outside of marriage which is between a man and a woman.  They don't see anything wrong with taking gifts for having sexual relations.  However when you chose an adulterous lifestyle over God, you pay the your lovers for having you.  You are giving yourself over to things that will bring no satisfaction into your life.  You will lose more than you ever will get.
    Jesus said only an evil, adulterous generation would demand miracles.  Demanding things from God is a sign that you have allowed evil into your heart.  We should know the Bible well enough to see all that God has done, so that we can recognize what He is still doing in the world around us today.  It is called maturing in faith.  Faith does not demand anything from God.  It is just confident in God keeping His Word.  It is a wicked heart that is adulterous to God because it wants more than what it deserves and will go anywhere to find what it wants (instead of what it needs).
    Jesus also said know what the natural signs of nature mean.  We have the ability to interpret weather fairly well.  It is an evil, adulterous heart that demands signs from God.  He said it more than once.  He wants us to really hear what he is saying before he walks away from the adulterous people forever.  We all still have time, but our window of opportunity is closing.
    If we want to be followers of Jesus, then we have to give up our natural ways and views on humanity and how the world needs to work.  It requires learning Jesus' way and following His example.  That means changing your world view to a Biblical stand point.  If you hang onto your old lifestyle, then you will lose your soul.  If you give your life to Jesus for the sake of the Good News, then you will gain all the benefits of following Jesus.  
    There is nothing more valuable than your soul.  If you have an adulterous soul and are ashamed of Jesus, then on that fateful day Jesus will not know you.  You will lose the most valuable thing you ever possessed to give you all you wanted for eternity for an eternity with unholy angels in torment.  It does not pay to have an adulterous heart.
    You can be a person that keeps every law that God set and man, but if you break only one, only one time, then you are guilty of sin.  Sin cannot enter Heaven.  We all have to have our sins atoned.  Adultery is just as bad as murder in God's eyes.  Any sin leads to the death penalty for it ruins a soul.  It is breaking God's law.
    The good news is that God is merciful.  He gives you a way out of any sin you have committed.  All you have to have is faith in Jesus and the good news.  This faith sets you free from the law's death penalty.  It is God showing mercy to all who will accept it.  You still face judgment, but you are not destroyed by it.  We can all be forgiven for our adulterous hearts.

Ezekiel 16:30-34, Matthew 12:39-40, 16:2-4, Mark 8:34-38, & James 2:10-13

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