Saturday, November 4, 2023

Adultery Part 2


    Adultery is unlawful sexual relations between someone married and someone unmarried.  If it were two married people then it would be an affair.  In the Bible it symbolized idolatry.  It is a work that describes a primary way to destroy meaningful relationships including a closeness to God.
    In the description of the meaning of the 10 commandments it makes it clear.  "You must not commit Adultery".  God did not need to go into any more detail.  It is a commandment that does not need to be questioned.  However, we are human and we like reason.  That is why it is talked about throughout the Bible.  God is giving us reasons why not to break that commandment.
    People look for excuses for committing sin.  God is not interested in excuses.  He knows what you did and why.  He wants to hear you confess it so that you will acknowledge what you did was indeed sin.  Admitting what you did and getting His forgiveness does not release you from the consequences that your sin brought into the world.  
    Adultery shows the world that you are a fool because you destroy yourself.  It wounds the people you love and brings disgrace upon you.  It is a sin that will never be erased in the world.  Once an adulterer, always an adulterer.  If a woman does it, then her husband becomes jealous and that relationship may never heal.  His jealousy becomes fury and he is no longer able to show mercy.  He will want revenge.  There is no compensation to heal that wound.  If a man does it, then the woman no longer feels safe.  She looses trust in the world around her making her even more fragile even if the world only sees someone who is strong.
    God's law will not disappear until it has fulfilled it's purpose to the smallest detail.  If you ignore even the smallest commandment, then you have sinned and the law exposes you.  It will keep you from entering Heaven's gates unless you find redemption.  Murder is to hate.  Even if you never act, the hate in your heart convicts you as a murderer to God.  
    All the sacrifices and giving to God's work mean nothing until you have done all you can to heal any broken relationship.  If you steal, then repay every penny before finding redemption,  God will forgive immediately, but people need more time.  If you break a relationship, then it takes much longer to mend and it may never be as strong as it was before.  
    Jesus repeated the command not to commit adultery, but he elaborated on it.  If you look at another person with lust in your eyes, then you have already committed adultery.  It always comes back to the heart condition.  You may never act, but in your mind and heart you have committed evil.  It is better to remove your eyes than to give into lustful looking and enter hell.  God reads your thoughts and heart in a way that people never can.  He will not be fooled.
    A woman caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus.  They wanted him to convict her or say something that contradicted the law.  Either way, it would turn some people against him and they would have a small victory over him.   Instead Jesus wrote in the ground with his finger and unknown prayer or claiming victory or something.  Then he stood and said whoever has not committed a sin can cast the first stone.  (The penalty for adultery was stoning to death.  Very painful way to die.)  
    Jesus wrote in the ground again.  When he stood again, all the accusers had departed.  He looked to the adulteress to ask where her accusers were.  He pardoned her and told her to sin no more.  That kind of forgiveness changes people.  
    Sin is wrong.  Anyone who has done a wrong can't enter Heaven.  Don't lie to yourself into thinking things will be different.  Maybe we get too many second chances now that we really think when the time comes we can just enter.  Those that indulge in sexual sin, worship idols, commit adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, thieves, greedy, drunks, abusers, and cheaters (liars) will not enter Heaven.  However you can find forgiveness and walk away from that sin.  Jesus will cleanse you of that past sins and make you Holy.  Get right with God and secure your eternity now.

Exodus 20:14, Proverbs 6:30-35, Matthew 5:18-28, John 8:3-11, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

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