Sunday, November 5, 2023



    To advance is to improve or make progress.  Something gets better, greater, wiser, or older.  Good examples are knowledge, stature, wisdom, maturity, and respect. 
    God's Word never changes, but it advances.  It started off simple and evil entered the world through the heart of people.  We perverted the world and made it complicated.  Yet, we never surprised God, only disappointed Him.  He gave us a way out if we are willing to do our part.  He advanced with every step that evil advanced.  He always gives us a different option.  
    Then Jesus came.  Jesus changed everything.  He took God's Word and gave it life in a new way.  He advanced it by showing people how to live it out.  He opened the doors for Gentiles to have an opportunity to have a relationship with God.  That was brand new.  The only way before was to convert to Judaism.  All nations are blessed through Jesus and it began with a promise made to Abraham.  
    Faith in Jesus is how we advance to being a part of Jesus' family.  It is how we share the blessings of Abraham.  None of our stories look alike, but some basic truths bring us together.  Salvation is the only truth that will uphold time.
    Share your testimony to help other people find a connection with Jesus.  Spread the good news to all that will listen, so that it will advance into the world faster.  If you are a Christian, then you are tied to Jesus.  Nothing can break that bond.  Allow people to see your confidence in God.  Speak boldly about your relationship without fear.  Advancing in your relationship with Jesus is what gives life depth and substance.

Galatians 3:8-9 & Philippians 1:12-14

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