Monday, November 6, 2023



    The advantage of reading the Bible is to learn who God is.  You can hear it from other people, but the power of God's Word opens your eyes and soul in a different way.  It contains His message on life, relationships, work, and everything that gives life meaning.  It shows us how much He loves and takes care of us.
    If you do something, then something bad may happen.  Every action produces a reaction.  Everything has a cause and effect.  That is why we need to be prepared.  We need to sharpen our minds to be wise.  Wisdom is the advantage that guarantees that you will succeed.  Success does not come without hardship, but it doesn't have to be dire.  Work hard and stay focused with the vision in your mind of what you are working toward.
    Is there an advantage of being a Jew?  What is the advantage of men be circumcised?  Yes there are advantages to both.  Jews were entrusted with the whole revelation of God.  Just because some are unfaithful does not make that fact any less true.  It does not mean that God is not faithful.
    Circumcision is an advantage for health benefits.  However the circumcision that God is talking about is the heart.  We have to remove the callouses of our heart to be able to move forward in a relationship with God.  Understanding that is an advantage.  Nothing anyone says to contradict God's truth matters.  It will not uphold over time.

Ecclesiastes 10:8-10 & Romans 3:1-8

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