Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Advice Part 3


    To Advise is to advise one self.  It means to consider someone's advice and see if it applies to your or your situation.  Advice is counsel from someone's opinion offered to another.  You have to decide if that opinion is worth following.
    God gave Moses orders to go after the Midianites to get his people back.  He was in charge of carrying out God's vengeance on a group of people for their idolatry.  Moses sent out 12,000 men (1,000 from each tribe).  They killed every Midianite man.  The women, children, animals, and possessions became the plunder for the Israelites.  
    Moses was not happy because the women were supposed to be killed too.  They were to be punished for following the advice of Balaam of pulling God's people away from Him.  When Moses discovered that his orders had not been carried out to the fullest he reinforced God's command.  The women (except the virgins) and the boys were killed.  Then the warriors had to purify themselves.  The rest of the plunder was divided among all of them.  Moses and the priest Eleazar received gifts from that bounty for being strong leaders.
    King Hiram of Tyre had a friendly relationship with King David.  When David died and Solomon succeeded him, Hiram sent envoys to make sure that the friendly relationship continued.  Solomon asked for cedars from Lebanon to build God's temple.  He offered a fair wage for the deal which pleased King Hiram.  Solomon's wisdom impressed other smart people and built strong business relationships.  God gave Solomon wisdom, but he used that wisdom in listening to good advice.
    We are responsible for the advice that we listen to and give.  We need to make sure that it sticks to sound doctrine.  We need to give advice in good temperance, respect, self-control, faith, and reverence.  We need to avoid temptation of listening to advice that sounds good, but is not from God.  
    Teach what is good on subjects that matter like marriage, purity, work, and submission to God.  Do not stand by and allow people to malign God's Word.  Live out integrity, seriousness about faith, sound speech, and respect for other people.  
    Live out advice on pleasing behavior, honesty, and grace of salvation.  Learn and live what you learn about Jesus until his return.  Wait eagerly and expectantly for him.  Do not become complacent, but engage and rebuke those that live and speak out against God's Word.  This is the advice of Titus, but it applies to all of us: live a life that honors God.  

Numbers 31, 1 Kings 5, & Titus 2

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