Wednesday, November 8, 2023



    An adversary is anything or anyone that stands in your way of completing God's work for you.  It is the opposition of God's will and people.  It can be collective or individual.  It all goes back to Satan.  He is the source of all opposition, so he is the source of all adversaries.  That makes him the true adversary in life.
    God is the provider of our salvation.  For that alone He should be exalted. He pays back those who harm you.  He subdues nations.  He rescues His people and keeps them out of their adversary's reach.  He rescues us from all sorts of violence.  That is why we praise Him.  He is the reason why we have any victories.  It is His unfailing love that anoints us to succeed.
    Physical desires can be our adversary.  The desire to marry or remarry can override our devotion to God.  It can make us guilty of breaking a pledge.  If desire becomes an adversary, then it can make us lazy.  We can become gossips and meddlesome.  We need to stick to our path that God put us on and allow other people take care of their own direction.  
    Families are good.  They are honorable.  The point is to make sure that God is still number one.  When you have a family, be devoted but under the direction of God.  Stay focused on your own home and don't worry about what is going on in other people's homes.  Then the true adversary cant say anything against you.  If you do go astray, then know that you are following Satan and not God.
    Be alert.  Keep watch out for the great adversary (Satan).  He is looking for people to devour.  His goal is to steal your joy, kill your soul, or destroy your life.  Stand firm in your faith to be strong.  Remember that all believers are going through the same things.  If not right this second, then they have or they will.  You are never alone.  God has given you resources to be strong and steady: faith, the Word, and other Christians.

Psalm 18:46-50, 1 Timothy 5:11-15, & 1 Peter 5:8-9

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