Sunday, December 24, 2023

Forgiveness is Real


    We know that forgiveness is real because Jesus assured it by his blood and character.  He taught us how far we are supposed to go to forgive someone.  He also showed how none of us deserve forgiveness and that it is not easy for us mere humans to forgive quickly.
    We receive the ultimate forgiveness when we become Christians.  Our faith is our firm foundation to proves that forgiveness is real.  How we live our lives must align with what we say about our lives.  That means walk the talk people.  Don't say you are a Christian and live a life of unforgiveness because nothing will reveal how unChristlike you are better than that.  
    The darkness in your heart wants you to hold onto your anger, rage, hatred, resentment, and anything else that will drive a wedge between you and God (aka your walk with Jesus).  Satan wants you to stay in the dark, living happily in your sin, and becoming a slave to him.  This is the lie that you have to claim truth over.  We know Satan and his games.  We don't have to listen to his lies.  If you do, then it is just tragic.
    God knows your heart.  He knows who belongs to His family and who is pretending.  There is no one that you need to impress other than God.  That means there is no need to pretend.  Pretending is meaningless.  The truth will come out no matter what on judgement day.
    You need to be certain about the foundation of your faith.  If you don't understand what you really believe, then how can you be strong?  How can you uphold God's standards if you don't understand what they are or why they are in place?  We need certainty to stand firm when things get complicated, mirky, or scary.
    The foundation of our faith is in Jesus' blood.  If he had not been God born human, lived with people, died and bled for all of us, and resurrected again to ascend to heaven, then we would have not reason to walk with God.  That is truth.  It is the truth that binds us to other Christians and enables us to have fellowship that makes us stronger.
    It was Jesus' blood that cleansed our sin.  Blood is what gives us life and it takes losing a life to atone for sin.  Jesus was the final sacrifice to cover all people's sin that choose to have faith in him and follow in his footsteps.  We would never have found real forgiveness without Jesus shedding his blood to wash our past away.  He died for us before we were even living human beings.  It is his blood that covers us so that we can avoid judgement on judgment day. 
    Just because Jesus was God in a human body and died a human death, does not mean that he lost any of His power.  He reigned it in for our sake.  His forgiveness is final.  There is no more bringing it up to hold over you.  If you feel that or even believe it, then that comes from Satan trying to tear you down again.
    We can believe in forgiveness because God's character is true and steadfast.  He doesn't change.  He is always faithful and just.  He is dependable, consistent, and reliable.  He promised that He would never deny anyone forgiveness that ask for it and He doesn't deny you if you truly seek it.  He honors His commitments, if we deserve it or not, because he is bound to His Word.
    People have the problem, not God, with forgiveness.  We have a harder time forgiving and forgetting.  He have a harder time accepting true forgiveness because it isn't human nature to forgive.  Real forgiveness is a decision.  It is not based on a feeling.  You can still hurt and wrestle with feelings at times and still forgive a person.  Satan loves to influence your moods and try to manipulate your personality because he doesn't want you to have the freedom that forgiveness provides.
    It is human nature to bring up the past when you feel vulnerable or hurt.  It is hard to let the past go when you feel like nothing is changing.  We have to work hard to move forward and stay committed to forgiveness.  Otherwise the reality will be punishment and never really moving on.  We all reap what we sow.  Strive to sow forgiveness in your life.  That means having God in your heart to enable real forgiveness by receiving it yourself.  There is no need to have doubt in your life over forgiveness being real.

Leviticus 17:10-12, Psalms 103:11-12, Matthew 7:21-23, John 1:5-10, Romans 5:8-15, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 2 Timothy 2:19, 2 Peter 1:10-11, 1 John 1:7-10, 3:18-20, & 5:6-12

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