Sunday, December 10, 2023

Man's Role in Life


    God created men to be masculine.  That means that are biologically stronger than women.  Even lean men hold more muscle than women.  Their skin is firmer than women's soft skin.  They have different biology than women.  Their brains work differently even though hormones control both sexes chemistry.  Men were made beautifully strong.  They are different from women in most ways.
    Being masculine is not a social construct.  It is physiological design of God.  It is a characteristic given to men.  Both sexes need to recognize that truth and acknowledge that God is the source.  He made male and female different to compliment each other.  Together in God's truth, we become a source of worship to God.
    Life is a gift.  If you are a man, then being a man is a gift to you.  Man was created first, but if God made you a woman, then that is a gift too.  Each sex has a purpose and role to give us direction in life.  God did not make a mistake in the sex that He made you.  He made you in unfailing love and adores the person that He created, but He will judge you if you try to alter or change His creation.
    Men have a place in the world that does not belong to women.  Women have a place in the world that does not belong to men.  They are both holy and special.  We need to appreciate our own role and not try to be something that we are not.
    Men have special things to do in the world.  If they allow Satan to deter them, then they have no drive, fulfillment, or goals to keep them moving forward.  Life becomes confusing.  Gender roles become blurred and God's society starts to crumble.  God knows you completely.  When things become confusing, just to go to Him.  He will make things clear again.  He will teach you how to love: yourself, others, and Him.
    Men need the influence of God and other Godly men because they were designed to lead.  They lead their families, the church, their careers, and society.  If that is not the case, then you know that Satan has influenced the men more than God.  Things will not function well if men do not take the lead and follow God's plan for their lives.  We are all accountable to God, but men are more in the spot light than women or children.
    When men come to God that need to acknowledge that they can't do everything on their own.  They need God to lead them into being a good leader.  Men have to find humility to find their strength.  When they walk with God, then leadership comes easier. 
    Salvation is a gift to anyone willing to accept Jesus.  It leads to a life that is no longer all about you, but living a life glorifying God.  That can take some of the pressure off men to be a certain way.  The only one they need to impress is God.  Once they become dependent on God, then the blessings of being a man can begin.  

Genesis 2:7-25, Psalm 100, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, & 1 Corinthians 13:11-13

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